Category Archives: Future of the Profession
Lean In? Gender Bias in the Actuarial Profession
Most professions have at some point dealt with the issues of gender bias and equality, and actuaries are not unique in this regard. In the January/February 2014 issue of Actuarial Review, I reviewed Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead by Sheryl Sandberg, chief operating officer of Facebook. In Lean In, Ms. Sandberg … Read more Engaging the Next Generation of Actuaries
The actuarial career is highly sought after by those who know about the profession. However, this is where the problem lies — many high school students preparing for college are unaware of what an actuary does, and what the actuarial profession entails. As a result, the Joint CAS/SOA Committee on Career Encouragement and Actuarial Diversity … Read more
Actuary Ranked as the Best Job in 2013
Recently the actuarial profession has been seeing a lot of attention in the media, as the profession was just ranked 2013’s top U.S. job by The 200 jobs analyzed for the study were selected for their relevance in the current labor market, as well as the availability of reliable data from the Bureau of … Read more
Sustaining and Enhancing Value
Amid the challenges of the past year, there have been several opportunities to evaluate the CAS value proposition, that is, what we offer to our various constituents that encourages them to turn to the CAS and its members. The refreshing of the CAS Strategic Plan was the foremost opportunity to evaluate our value proposition because … Read more
Rank Your Top Actuarial Stories of 2012
In our last post, we asked for your input on the top actuarial stories of 2012. We appreciate the many suggestions of those stories you thought had the greatest impact on the actuarial profession over the last year. We compiled the suggestions and developed a survey to identify the top ten actuarial stories of 2012. … Read more
Meet the CAS President: A University Student’s Interview with Gary Josephson
I was recently interviewed by a university student for his school’s actuarial science department’s newsletter. As I responded to the pointed questions about the CAS, SOA, and the future of the actuarial profession, it occurred to me that the same questions were likely on the minds of a lot of actuarial science students. So I … Read more
Point-Counterpoint from the May 2012 Actuarial Review: What is Your View?
The May 2012 issue of The Actuarial Review included point-counterpoint opinion pieces from Mike Miller and Pat Teufel regarding the future of the actuarial profession. According to Mr. Miller, “Now is the time for a significant change in the organizations that serve U.S. actuaries.” He goes on to propose “a new U.S. actuarial organization built … Read more