Author Archives: Alice Underwood


About Alice Underwood

Alice Underwood, FCAS, CERA, serves as the CAS vice president-research and development. She is executive vice president for Willis Re in New York.

How to Talk to a CEO – Three Considerations for Effective Communication

The job of a CEO is to make decisions. But not just any decisions – the right decisions. As an actuary, your work provides valuable insight on important business issues that can help your CEO when making these important decisions. However, for this insight to be effective, you must be able to communicate with your … Read more »

Research and Statistics in the Actuarial Skill Set

Louise Francis, past CAS VP-Research & Development and Alice Underwood, new CAS VP-Research & Development, co-authored this blog post. Last August, David Menning wrote a blog post about how much statistics should be included within the basic education process. He asked if statistics were covered at the right level in the current basic education structure … Read more »