My Visits with CAS Members and Candidates in Wisconsin: Insights and Feedback

Recently, I made a trip through Wisconsin for visits with American Family, CUNA Mutual, and Sentry. I enjoy these meetings, as it is always a pleasure to meet with and hear from CAS members. We have a passionate membership that wants to continue to make the CAS better. At these meetings, I discussed four major topics with our members.

Certified Specialist in Predictive Analytics (CSPA)

The audience was very interested in the CSPA credential and exams offered through The CAS Institute. Predictive analytics skills are rapidly becoming more attractive for employers. I fielded a number of great questions and highlighted that the CSPA is independent of the actuarial designation and its requirements.

CAS Exams MAS I & II

Regarding our new exams focused on predictive analytics, MAS I & II, I think that there is general support to have more statistics that advance the learning of predictive analytics in our exam process.

                                                                        Technology Based Examination (TBE)

There was a lot of interest in Technology Based Examination (TBE), the new testing platform that allows candidates to take the exams on their own computer overseen by a remote proctor. I received many questions on the new exam format and enjoyed in-depth conversations about its nuances.

Integrative Questions (IQ)

The feedback was generally positive regarding the recent addition of integrative questions on our exams. These are longer, higher point value questions that test the candidates’ knowledge of multiple sections of the syllabus.

I appreciated my time visiting Wisconsin and the input I received from our members and candidates. I also appreciated the employers arranging for the meetings. Specifically, I would like to thank:

  • Roger Yard at American Family
  • Steve Verhagen at CUNA Mutual
  • Denise Christophel and Mike Williams at Sentry

Also, a thank you to Amy Brener, director of The CAS Institute, and Christian Tweitmeyer, one of our predictive analytics experts, for presenting with me.

During my Presidential term, I am looking forward to speaking with many organizations. If this might be of interest to your organization, please reach out to Katie Hettler, Marketing and Corporate Relations Manager at the CAS Office, as I would be happy to make a trip to present and discuss important CAS issues with you.