CAS Restructures the Reserves Call for Papers

200222049-001In this CAS Roundtable blog post we will explore the new opportunity open to CAS members to share non-technical papers with the CAS community.

The CAS conducts call paper programs to enhance the literature on a specific topic, with finished papers published in the E-Forum. The Committee on Reserves conducts a call paper program every two years to add to the literature on reserving.

Many papers that come out of call paper programs are very technical in nature, and not necessarily practical and applicable to the day-to-day life of an actuary. The focus of the new call paper program from the Committee on Reserves is to get more practical and non-technical papers into the literature. Committee members think that there are many ways to put a new spin on what might be some tired subjects and are looking for unique, practical paper topics by new authors.

If you would like to contribute a paper, consider these guidelines by which papers will be reviewed for acceptance:

  • Understandability of concepts
  • Thoroughness, originality and clarity of ideas expressed
  • Practicality of application of ideas
  • Real world significance of conclusions and observations

The deadline to submit proposals for papers is March 11, 2013.

Visit the 2013 Non-Technical Reserve Call For Papers webpage to read more about the call for non-technical papers.

Are there reserving topics that you believe could benefit from a non-technical presentation? Do you have other ideas for facilitating the development of practical papers? Let us know in the comment section below.


About Cheri Widowski

Cheri Widowski is the Research Manager for the Casualty Actuarial Society.