Author Archives: Jess Whelan

Exploring Virginia: A Perfect Day Trip After the CAS Crash Course

If you’re attending the CAS Crash Course on Vehicle Technology and Automation this fall in Virginia, you’re in for an informative and exciting event. But why stop there? The event’s location offers the perfect opportunity for a memorable day trip. Nestled between the historic charm of Charlottesville and the bustling energy of Dulles, here are … Read more »

Interview with Dr. Ana J. Mata, ACAS, for National Hispanic Heritage Month

CAS is continuing its celebration of National Hispanic Heritage Month; here we sat down with Dr. Ana Mata, ACAS, Managing Director and Actuary at MatBlas Ltd.  How did you get into the actuarial profession?  In all Hispanic countries when a girl turns 15, there is a big party which can include hundreds of guests. This is the most traditional party in our culture, and … Read more »

Voices of Actuaries in Community

Throughout the month of June, the CAS shared some of the best moments featuring CAS members and community on our LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter platforms using the hashtag #ActuariesinCOMMUNITY. We received many wonderful submissions from our members sharing their stories of how they serve their communities. Read some of the highlights below: Yvonne Palm, CAS … Read more »