The CAS Celebrates YOU During National Volunteer Week

Here at the CAS, our volunteers are our biggest asset, and as National Volunteer Week comes to a close, I want to give our volunteers a personal shout-out. I thank all of our dedicated volunteers for your time, energy, enthusiasm, and inspiration. Especially during the uncertain times we’re living in, we are relying more than ever on this group of hard-working individuals.

Our volunteers are what differentiate the CAS in the actuarial space. The CAS has a long history of volunteerism, starting with its foundation as an organization managed entirely by volunteers. Over time, the Society has grown and our day-to-day management is now handled by a capable staff, but our core value of volunteerism remains strong. Our active member-volunteers are generous in providing their actuarial expertise across our research, credentialing program, profession education events, and in many other ways.

While we are thankful every day for the work our volunteers contribute, we were pumped to celebrate those efforts in a special way this week for National Volunteer Week. If you haven’t already been following along, join us on our social media platforms and check out the hashtag #CAScelebratesvolunteers to celebrate with us.

Thank you again to all of our CAS volunteers! I’d love to hear about why you volunteer and how we can make your volunteer experience even better, so feel free to leave a comment below.